Research publication for modern enterprises
Rishidot Research
Helping enterprises decipher emerging technologies with open research
Rishidot Research is focused on delivering quality research content using open research approach. All our research frameworks and data are available on Github to empower both humans and machines to help evolve the business

In this rapidly changing era of technology, understanding the modern enterprise stack is not easy with all the marketing noise. StackSense will help you decipher the modern stacks, helping you transform your organization into an exponential organization
Rishidot TV Studios
Rishidot.TV is the video repository of Rishidot Research video content like virtual panels, webinars, tutorials, interviews, and other tech-related content

AI Sutra
AI is fast reshaping the world including global business. We discuss technical, business and ethical issues surrounding Artificial Intelligence in this publication
Modern Enterprise Newsletter
Rishidot Research sends out a periodic newsletter talking about modern enterprise stacks, emerging technologies, and information about our research publications